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  • Making SEC Filings Research Fun Again!

Making SEC Filings Research Fun Again!

  • 19 Sep 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88157113892__;!!FjuHKAHQs5udqho!MqNE9BON1_oG7TvfIkqX2brXKR0roxmzP8ZcMtXKpM3tAB2Kx04sLGRCae0MhqV1KlEyGt2cuP0gvu0$

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SEC filings have always been seen as a big brick wall where only the “brave” would dare to tread.

Elise Lynch, EVP of Kaleidoscope, will be demonstrating how to find and download lists and view all the vital facts about wealth, education, career, and board relationships using Kaleidoscope's tool, Focus. 

Focus extracts data from SEC filings, cuts through the noise and provides consolidated, pertinent data. 

Speaker Bio

Elise Lynch serves as the Executive Vice President for Kaleidoscope, which is a euphemism for “chief cook and bottle washer”.  Over the past 20 years, she’s honed her research and knowledge of securities research in support of a wide variety of industries, including leading law firms, accounting consultancies, investment companies and non-profit fundraising teams. Dedicated to simplifying SEC research, her commitment to client success drives the company’s development of solutions that meet client expectations. Elise is “Mom” to 3 grown children, “Nana” to10 grandchildren ages 26 -10, and a great-grandmother of 1.5 kiddos.

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